Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 33

Argymhelliad CU

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Canolbwyntio ar hawliau plant ym mhob system a gweithrediad a gymerir er mwyn atal camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod o blant; cyllido gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a ffyrdd eraill o adnabod a chefnogi dioddefwyr sy’n blant a phlant sydd mewn perygl o drais; sicrhau bod dioddefwyr sy’n blant yn cael eu trin fel dioddefwyr a’u bod yn medru cael mynediad i ofal trawma addas, sensitif i blant yn eu cymuned; (b) Sicrhau bod y Bil Dioddefwyr yn diffinio’n glir y camfanteisio troseddol o blant, sut dylid diogelu plant sy’n ddioddefwyr trais, a rolau cynghorwyr cam-drin domestig a rhywiol; (c) Sicrhau bod pob achos o drais yn erbyn plant yn cael eu hymchwilio’n gyflym ac yn llawn ac yn cael eu hymdrin â hwy; rhoi cefnogaeth arbenigol i blant sy’n ddioddefwyr, a chymryd camau cyfreithiol yn erbyn unrhyw un sy’n cyflawni’r trais hwn; (d) Gwneud mwy i ddelio â thrais yn erbyn plant, yn cynnwys trwy gyflwyno argymhellion a wnaed gan yr ymchwiliad annibynnol i gam-drin plant yn rhywiol yng Nghymru a Lloegr, yr Adolygiad Gillen yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, Ymchwiliad Cam-drin Plant yr Alban; (e) Cyflwyno ffyrdd o atal trais yn erbyn plant mewn gofal, plant anabl, plant sy’n ceisio lloches, plant sy’n ffoaduriaid a mudwyr, a phlant sy’n perthyn i grwpiau lleiafrifol; (f) Sicrhau bod pob plentyn sy’n ddioddefwyr neu sy’n dystion i drais yn medru cael mynediad i wasanaethau a chymorth priodol yn syth, yn cynnwys cyfweliadau fforensig a therapi seicolegol; cyllido ehangu Barnahus a modelau tebyg fel y Lighthouse yn Llundain; (g) Sicrhau bod hawliau plant a gofal trawma yn ganolog i’r holl wasanaethau ar gyfer dioddefwyr trais, yn cynnwys safonau’r Bairns’ Hoose yn yr Alban; sicrhau bod holl ddioddefwyr trais yn medru cael y gwasanaethau hyn a bod eu hanghenion penodol yn cael eu diwallu; (h) Fel proses ddiofyn, caniatáu bod pob plentyn sy’n ddioddefwr trais yn cael rhoi tystiolaeth ac ymateb i groesholiad trwy fideo wedi’i recordio cyn i achos fynd i’r llys, a sicrhau eu bod yn medru cael mynediad i therapi cyn gyntag ag y bydd ei angen arnynt; (i) Gwneud mwy i hyfforddi unrhyw un sy’n gweithio gyda a thros blant fel eu bod yn medru sylwi ar ac ymateb i drais, yn cynnwys camfanteisio’n rhywiol ar blant; (j) Gwneud mwy i roi cyfreithiau sy’n diogelu plant rhag camfanteisio ar ymddiriedaeth ar waith yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. (k) Casglu gwybodaeth fanwl ar ddiogelu plant a thrais yn erbyn plant a defnyddio hyn i wella ymatebion i drais a cham-drin plant yn rhywiol, yn cynnwys trwy greu cronfa ddata genedlaethol o blant sydd ar goll, gan gasglu gwybodaeth ar achosion sydd wedi eu hadrodd, eu hymchwilio a’u herlyn, a sicrhau bod pobl ifanc 16 ac 17 oed yn cael eu cofnodi fel plant yn yr wybodaeth hon.

Argymhelliad gwreiddiol y CU

The Committee urges the State party to: (a) Ensure that child protection systems take a child rights-based approach in preventing and addressing cases of abuse and neglect, including psychological violence; that social services and other mechanisms for identifying and supporting children at risk of violence as well as child victims of violence are adequately resourced; and that child victims are fully recognized as victims and have access to community-based, trauma care and child-sensitive support services; (b) Ensure that the Victims Bill clearly defines the criminal exploitation of children, protection for children who are victims of violence, and the roles and responsibilities of domestic and sexual violence advisors; (c) Promptly and effectively investigate and intervene in all cases of violence against children, including domestic violence, sexual exploitation and abuse of children, in and outside the home, in the digital environment, in religious and educational institutions and in alternative care settings, and ensure expert support to child victims and that perpetrators are brought to justice; (d) Strengthen measures aimed at tackling violence against children, including by implementing the recommendations of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in England and Wales, the Gillen Review in Northern Ireland, the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry and other relevant inquiries and investigations conducted by independent bodies; (e) Develop measures aimed at preventing violence against children in alternative care, children with disabilities, asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children and children belonging to minority groups; (f) Ensure that all children who are victims or witnesses of violence have prompt access to child-sensitive, multisectoral and comprehensive interventions, services and support, including forensic interviews and psychological therapy, with the aim of preventing the secondary victimization of those children, and allocate sufficient resources for the implementation and expansion of the barnahus and similar models such as the Lighthouse in London; (g) Ensure a child rights and trauma care-based approach in the provision of support services for victims, including the Bairns’ Hoose standards in Scotland, and that such services and support are also available for, and address the specific needs of, all victims of violence; (h) Ensure that all child victims of violence, including sexual abuse, are allowed as child witnesses to provide video recorded evidence for testimony and crossexamination during the pre-trial stage as a default process in judicial procedures under Sections 21 and 28 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, and that they have access to appropriate therapy without delay; (i) Strengthen efforts to train professionals working with and for children, including social workers, law enforcement authorities and the judiciary, to identify and effectively respond to cases of violence, including sexual exploitation; (j) Strengthen the implementation of legislation protecting children from “abuse of trust” in all environments and extracurricular activities in Northern Ireland; (k) Ensure the systematic collection and analysis of data on child protection issues and violence against children to inform the implementation of national strategies on violence and child sexual abuse, including by: (i) creating a national database for missing children; (ii) collecting data on cases that have been reported, investigated and prosecuted; and (iii) ensuring that data on the sexual exploitation and abuse of 16- and 17-year-old children is disaggregated as children.

Dyddiad archwiliad y CU


Rhif erthygl y CU

19, 24 (3), 28 (2), 34, 37 (a), 39

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024