Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 54

Argymhelliad CU

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Codi’r isafswm oed ar gyfer cyfrifoldeb troseddol i o leiaf 14; (b) Gweithredu, yn cynnwys trwy newid y gyfraith, er mwyn atal plant rhag cael eu herlyn fel oedolion, yn cynnwys unrhyw un oedd o dan 18 oed pan gyflawnwyd y drosedd, a sicrhau bod cyfnodau adsefydlu wedi eu pennu yn ôl dyddiad y drosedd, nid dyddiad yr euogfarn; sicrhau mai opsiwn olaf yw dargadwad a’i fod yn para am gyfnod cyn fyrred â phosibl, a gwahardd carcharu am oes am droseddau a gyflawnwyd gan unrhyw un o dan 18 oed; (c) Ymyrryd yn gynt er mwyn atal troseddu; hyrwyddo ymatebion amgen megis datrysiadau, cyfryngu a chwnsela ar gyfer plant a gyhuddwyd o droseddau, ac opsiynau amgen i ddedfryd o garchar lle bynnag y bo’n bosibl; (d) Darparu cymorth cyfreithiol i blant a allai fod wedi cyflawni trosedd, ar gychwyn, ac yn ystod, y broses gyfreithiol; (e) Dod i ben â’r arfer o gadw plant yn nalfa’r heddlu, sicrhau nad yw plant yn cael eu dal dros nos yn nalfa’r heddlu a lleihau’r defnydd a hyd dargadw cyn achos; (f) Pan fo plentyn yn cael ei amddifadu o’i ryddid fel opsiwn olaf, sicrhau nad ydynt yn cael eu cadw gydag oedolion, a bod amodau’r dargadwad yn diwallu safonau rhyngwladol; (g) Dod â dargadwad anghymesur o blant o grwpiau lleiafrifol i ben a chyflwyno ffyrdd o ddod â phroffilio ar sail hil gan awdurdodau gorfodi’r gyfraith i ben; (h) Sicrhau bod barnwyr, erlynwyr, swyddogion yr heddlu a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill wedi eu hyfforddi ar, ac yn deall yn llawn, ffyrdd o wneud y system gyfiawnder yn gyfeillgar i blant, hawliau plant ac egwyddorion y CRC; (i) Ymchwilio i’r holl honiadau o drais yn erbyn plant sy’n cael eu dargadw, gweithredu yn erbyn y rheini sy’n gyfrifol a digolledu dioddefwyr; (j) Dod â charchariad unigol i blant i ben; sicrhau, os yw plentyn yn cael ei wahanu oddi wrth eraill, bod hynny’n cael ei wneud am y cyfnod byrraf posibl o amser a dim ond fel opsiwn olaf, a’u bod yn cael eu goruchwylio’n agos gan staff wedi eu hyfforddi; (k) Cyflwyno strategaeth cyfiawnder plant yn Jersey a sicrhau bod pob Tiriogaeth Tramor yn mabwysiadu cyfreithiau ar gyfiawnder plant yn unol â’r CRC.

Argymhelliad gwreiddiol y CU

Recalling its general comment No. 24 (2019) on children’s rights in the child justice system, the Committee reiterates its previous recommendations16 and urges the State party to bring its child justice system fully into line with the Convention and other relevant standards and to: (a) Raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to at least 14 years of age; (b) Take legislative and other measures to ensure that: (i) children are not prosecuted as adult offenders, without exception; (ii) the child justice system is applied to all children who were below the age of 18 years when the offence was committed; (iii) rehabilitation periods are determined based on the date the offence was committed, and not the date of conviction; (iv) detention is used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible period of time and is reviewed on a regular basis with a view to its withdrawal; and (v) life imprisonment is abolished for children and young people who committed offences when they were below the age of 18; (c) Develop early intervention for children and actively promote non-judicial measures, such as diversion, mediation and counselling, for children accused of criminal offences, and, wherever possible, the use of non-custodial measures for children, such as probation or community service; (d) Ensure the provision of qualified and independent legal aid to children alleged to have, accused of, or recognized as having infringed criminal law at an early stage of the procedure and throughout the legal proceedings; (e) Repeal the practice of remanding children into police custody, ensure that no child is held in police custody overnight, and avoid the use, and reduce the maximum duration, of pretrial detention; (f) For the few situations where deprivation of liberty is used as a measure of last resort, continue to strive for full compliance with the international requirement to detain children separately from adults and ensure that detention conditions are compliant with international standards, including with regard to access to education and health services, including mental health services; (g) Address the overrepresentation of children belonging to minority groups in detention and develop measures, in consultation with affected children and their families, to prevent racial profiling by law enforcement authorities; (h) Ensure capacity-building for judges, prosecutors, police officers and other professionals, including in the Overseas Territories, on child-friendly justice procedures, children’s rights and the Convention; (i) Promptly investigate, applying a child-friendly and multisectoral approach, all allegations of cases of violence, including sexual abuse, against children in detention; prosecute and duly sanction perpetrators; and provide reparations to victims as appropriate; (j) End the use of solitary confinement and ensure that any separation of the child from others is for the shortest possible time and is used only as a measure of last resort for the protection of the child or others, in the presence of, or under the close supervision of, a suitably trained staff member; (k) Adopt a child justice strategy for Jersey and ensure that all Overseas Territories have adopted legislation on child justice in line with the Convention, including by expeditiously adopting child justice bills in Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands.

Dyddiad archwiliad y CU


Rhif erthygl y CU

22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 (b)–(d), 38–40

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024