Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 26

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Rhoi’r gorau yn syth i dargedu grwpiau penodol pan yn defnyddio mesurau gwrthderfysgaeth, yn cynnwys trwy hyfforddi unrhyw un sy’n gweithio mewn proffesiynau perthnasol, yn cynnwys athrawon a’r heddlu, ar wahaniaethu ac ar hawl plant i ryddid mynegiant a chrefydd;

(b) Parhau i adolygu sut mae’r Strategaeth Prevent yn effeithio ar hawliau plant, casglu a chyhoeddi gwybodaeth fanwl ar sut mae’r Strategaeth yn effeithio ar wahanol grwpiau, a gweithredu er mwyn dod â gwahaniaethu ac effeithiau negyddol anghymesur ar grwpiau lleiafrifol i ben;

(c) Sicrhau nad yw mesurau gwrthderfysgaeth yn ei gwneud hi’n anoddach i blant fwynhau eu hawl i ryddid mynegiant, barn a chrefydd yn rhydd, ac y gall plant fwynhau’r hawliau hyn heb fygythiadau nag ofn.

(d) Disodli cyfreithiau sy’n gorfodi plant i fynychu addoli ar y cyd; cyflwyno canllawiau statudol er mwyn sicrhau bod gan blant o unrhyw oed yr hawl i benderfynu peidio â mynd i ddosbarthiadau crefyddol, heb fod angen cydsyniad eu rhieni arnynt;

(e) Dod i ben â’r arfer o ddefnyddio crefydd fel modd o ddewis pa blant all fynychu ysgolion penodol yn Lloegr; diweddaru addysg grefyddol yng Ngogledd Iwerddon fel ei fod yn cwmpasu amrywiaeth o grefyddau ac yn annog parch at yr amrywiaeth hon.

Original UN recommendation

The Committee is deeply concerned about the chilling effect of counter-terrorism measures on the right of children to freedom of expression, and that nearly half of referrals under the Prevent Strategy are Muslim children and children of Asian descent. Recalling its previous recommendations, 7 the Committee urges the State party to guarantee the right of all children to freedom of expression and to practise freely their religion or belief, including by:

(a) Immediately halting the targeting of certain groups of children in counterterrorism measures, including through mandatory training of teachers, police and other relevant professional groups on the prohibition of discrimination and the right of children to freedom of expression and religion;

(b) Continuing to assess the impact of the Prevent Strategy on children’s rights, and regularly collect and publish data, disaggregated by age, ethnicity and religious affiliation, on children referred to the authorities under the Prevent Strategy, with a view to ending the discriminatory, racial and stigmatizing impact of such measures on children belonging to minority groups;

(c) Ensuring that counter-terrorism measures do not undermine children’s rights to freedom of expression, opinion and religion, and that children can exercise these rights without threats or intimidation;

(d) Repealing legal provisions for compulsory attendance in collective worship and establishing statutory guidance to ensure the right of all children, including children under 16 years of age, to withdraw from religious classes without parental consent;

(e) Preventing the use of religion as a selection criterion for school admissions in England and revising the religious education syllabus in Northern Ireland to include education on and respect for a diversity of religions.



Date of UN examination


UN article number

7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024