Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 20
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r Llywodraeth:
a) Cymryd mwy o gamau i fynd i’r afael â hiliaeth, senoffobia a gwahaniaethu yn erbyn plant difreintiedig, yn cynnwys:
• plant ethnig leiafrifol
• plant sy’n ceisio lloches, yn ffoaduriaid neu’n fudwyr
• plant sy’n Roma, Sipsiwn neu Deithwyr
• plant anabl
• plant mewn gofal
• plant y mae eu rhieni yn y carchar
• plant rhieni sydd heb briodi
• plant lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol, trawsryweddol a rhyngryw
• plant o dan anfantais economaidd-gymdeithasol
• plant yn y system gyfiawnder;
(b) Sefydlu ffyrdd hawdd i blant gael cyfiawnder pan eu bod yn destun gwahaniaethu; sicrhau bod plant difreintiedig yn medru cael mynediad i wasanaethau iechyd ac addysg a phrofi safon byw derbyniol;
(c) Gweithredu ymgyrchoedd er mwyn cynyddu dealltwriaeth y cyhoedd o wahaniaethu, a sut i roi stop arno, ac i gynyddu goddefiant a pharch tuag at amrywiaeth;
(d) Annog adrodd am droseddau casineb yn erbyn plant; sicrhau bod troseddau casineb ar sail hil, ethnigrwydd a chrefydd yn cael eu hymchwilio a’u herlyn, bod unrhyw un sy’n cyflawni troseddau casineb yn cael eu cosbi, a bod dioddefwyr yn cael iawndal os yw hynny’n briodol;
(e) Diogelu a chefnogi plant sy’n cael eu bwlio, eu haflonyddu neu’n destun gwahaniaethu oherwydd eu cyfeiriadaeth rywiol neu eu hunaniaeth rhywedd, a darparu mesurau gwrthfwlio wedi eu targedu;
(f) Cyflwyno cyfreithiau newydd a chymryd camau eraill i ddiogelu pob plentyn o dan 18 oed rhag gwahaniaethu ar sail oed, yn enwedig yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, ymdrin â stereoteipiau negyddol o blant a hyrwyddo delwedd gadarnhaol o blant;
(g) Rhoi argymhellion ‘Prydain Gynhwysol’ ar waith i fynd i’r afael â gwahaniaethu yn erbyn plant;
(h) Adolygu sut yr ymdrinnir â gwahaniaethu yn erbn plant difreintiedig a chymryd camau i wella hyn; sicrhau bod plant a chymdeithas sifil yn medru cyfrannu at yr adolygiad hwn.
Original UN recommendation
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendations and urges the State party to:
(a) Implement targeted policies and programmes to combat racist and xenophobic activities and to eliminate discrimination against children in disadvantaged situations, including children belonging to ethnic minority groups, asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children, Roma, Gypsy and Traveller children, children with disabilities, children in alternative care, children of incarcerated parents, children of unmarried parents, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children, socioeconomically disadvantaged children, and children in the justice system;
(b) Establish clear avenues for children to seek justice in cases of discrimination, and, where appropriate, ensure the access of children in disadvantaged situations to health services, education and a decent standard of living;
(c) Conduct media campaigns to change social norms and behaviours that contribute to discrimination, raise public awareness of the prohibition of discrimination, and promote tolerance and respect for diversity;
(d) Encourage the reporting of hate crimes against children; investigate and prosecute cases of racially, ethnically and religiously motivated crime; punish perpetrators with commensurate sanctions; and provide adequate compensation to the victims, as appropriate;
(e) Ensure that children who experience discrimination, bullying or harassment in relation to their sexual orientation or gender identity receive protection and support, including through targeted anti-bullying measures;
(f) Take legislative and other measures to ensure the protection of all children below 18 years of age from discrimination on the grounds of their age, particularly in England and Northern Ireland; address discriminatory stereotypes against children; and promote a positive image of children as rights-holders;
(g) Implement the “Inclusive Britain” recommendations that would help to address discrimination against children;
(h) Evaluate, with the participation of children and civil society, existing measures aimed at combating discrimination against children in disadvantaged situations, to assess their impact and revise the measures accordingly.
Date of UN examination
UN article number
2, 3, 6, 12
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2023 y CRC ar wefan y CU.