Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 41

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod pob ffurf ar ofal iechyd ar gael i bob plentyn, a bod gan blant lais yn sut mae’r gwasanaethau hyn yn cael eu cynllunio a’u darparu;

(b) Cyflwyno strategaeth er mwyn delio ag anghydraddoldebau iechyd, yn enwedig i blant difreintiedig, plant anabl, plant ethnig leiafrifol, plant sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd gwledig a phlant trawsryweddol;

(c) Ehangu ar wasanaethau iechyd i blant sy’n ceisio lloches ac yn fudwyr, plant heb statws preswylio rheolaidd, a phlant yn y Tiriogaethau Tramor, yn cynnwys gwasanaethau dehongli; disodli rheoliadau’r GIG sy’n atal y plant hyn rhag derbyn gofal iechyd oherwydd statws mewnfudo neu ariannol eu rhieni;

(d) Lleihau ar frys yr amseroedd aros hir am wasanaethau iechyd arbenigol i blant trawsryweddol neu sy’n cwestiynu eu rhywedd, gwella ansawdd y gwasanaethau hyn, a sicrhau bod gan y plant hyn lais ym mhob penderfyniad sy’n ymwneud â’u triniaeth;

(e) Gwneud mwy i ddod â chamfaethiad plant, ansicrwydd bwyd, a chyfraddau gorbwysau a gordewdra i ben, yn cynnwys trwy:
• sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn medru cael bwydydd maethlon ac nad ydynt yn ddibynnol ar fanciau bwyd
• rhoi prydau ysgol am ddim i bob plentyn difreintiedig, yn enwedig pob plentyn â rhiant sy’n deryn Credyd Cynhwysol
• delio â gwraidd y broblem, yn cynnwys tlodi
• addysgu am faethiad mewn ysgolion a chymunedau a hyrwyddo ffyrdd iach o fyw;

(f) Parhau i hyrwyddo bwydo ar y fron trwy gefnogi mamau, yn cynnwys trwy fynediad i weithio hyblyg, gan roi ar waith y Côd Rhyngwladol Marchnata Amnewidion Llaeth y Fron, a chodi ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus.

Original UN recommendation

Recalling its general comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, the Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Strengthen measures aimed at ensuring the availability of quality, child-sensitive and age-appropriate paediatric primary and specialist health care services to all children, and ensure that children’s perspectives are included in the development and implementation of all health services, health and social care commissioning, and policy and practice reviews;

(b) Develop a strategy to address health inequalities, including the underlying causes, and in particular in respect of children in disadvantaged situations including children with disabilities, children belonging to ethnic minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged children, children living in rural areas and transgender children;

(c) Expand health services available to asylum-seeking and migrant children, children without a regular residence status and children in the Overseas Territories to ensure their access to affordable health and mental health services, including by providing interpretation services and repealing regulations of the National Health Service that prevent such children from accessing health services due to their parents’ immigration or financial status;

d) Urgently address the long waiting times faced by transgender and gender-questioning children in accessing specialized health services, improve the quality of such services, and ensure that their views are taken into account in all decisions affecting their treatment;

(e) Strengthen measures to address child malnutrition, food insecurity and growing trends in overweight and obesity, including by: (i) ensuring all children’s access to nutritious foods and reducing their reliance on food banks, regardless of their or their parents’ migration status; (ii) expanding the free school meals programme to all children in disadvantaged situations, including children whose parents receive Universal Credit; (iii) addressing the root causes of food insecurity including poverty; (iv) providing nutrition services in schools and communities; and (v) promoting healthy lifestyles and physical activity;

(f) Continue its efforts to promote breastfeeding, including by: (i) strengthening support for mothers, including through flexible working arrangements; (ii) fully implementing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and strengthening relevant legislation; and (iii) raising awareness of the importance of breastfeeding among families and the general public.


Date of UN examination


UN article number

6, 18 (3), 24, 26, 27 (1)–(3), 33

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024