Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 47

UN recommendation

Argymhelliad Cymreig clir

Dylai’r Llywodraeth:

(a) Gwneud mwy i fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldebau mewn addysg a gwella deilliannau i blant difreintiedig, yn cynnwys trwy:
• roi cefnogaeth ariannol ac arall iddynt i orffen yr ysgol
• cyflwyno canllawiau ar gyfer mynd i’r afael ag absenoldebau o’r ysgol
• casglu a dadansoddi gwybodaeth fanwl, yn cynnwys ar darddiad ethnig a deilliannau addysgol plant, a defnyddio’r wybodaeth hon i wella polisïau a rhaglenni;

(b) Sicrhau bod plant anabl yn cael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt er mwyn iddynt gael eu cynnwys mewn addysg prif ffrwd, yn cynnwys trwy addasu cwricwla a thrwy sicrhau bod digon o athrawon arbenigol wedi eu hyfforddi a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill i ddarparu cymorth unigol i’r plant hyn mewn dosbarthiadau integredig;

(c) Gweithredu fel bod pob plentyn yn medru cael mynediad i addysg plentyndod gynnar digonol a fforddiadwy;

(d) Sicrhau bod diarddel yn cael ei wahardd mewn ysgolion cynradd ac ond yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel opsiwn olaf mewn ysgolion uwchradd, atal y defnydd o waharddiadau anffurfiol a’r hyn a elwir yn ‘tynnu plant oddi ar y gofrestr’ a darparu dewisiadau amgen, monitro’r defnydd o waharddiadau a gwneud mwy i atal gwaharddiadau rhag cael eu defnyddio’n anghymesur ar blant ethnig leiafrifol ac anabl;

(e) Sicrhau bod gan blant yr hawl i apelio yn erbyn gwaharddiadau, gyda mynediad i gyngor cyfreithiol a chynrychiolaeth;

(f) Gwneud mwy i atal gwahaniaethu a bwlio ar-lein ac mewn ysgolion yn seiliedig ar hil, cyfeiriadaeth rywiol, hunaniaeth rhywedd neu nodweddion rhyw, anabledd, statws mewnfudo neu arall rhywun, gan ddefnyddio dulliau sydd wedi eu cyllido’n briodol, ac sy’n mynd i’r afael â gwraidd y broblem; dylai dulliau gynnwys atal, adnabod cynnar, codi ymwybyddiaeth, hyfforddiant i athrawon, arweiniad ar gyfer mynd i’r afael â bwlio a chofnodi bwlio;

(g) Datblygu canllawiau, gyda mewnbwn gan blant a chymdeithas sifil, er mwyn sicrhau bod plant trawsryweddol a phlant sy’n cwestiynu eu rhywedd yn cael eu cynnwys yn llawn mewn ysgolion a bod eu hawliau’n cael eu parchu;

(h) Cael gwared ar ‘coloneiddio’ ac iaith wahaniaethol o ddeunyddiau addysgiadol, a datblygu deunyddiau sy’n parchu gwahaniaethau ar sail hil, diwylliant, rhywedd a gwahaniaethau eraill;

(i) Sicrhau bod hawliau plant ac egwyddorion y CRC yn rhan fandadol o gwricwla ysgol a hyfforddiant athrawon;

(j) Ymdrin â thrais a mathau eraill o aflonyddu mewn ysgolion mewn modd sy’n parchu hawliau plant, yn cynnwys trwy hyfforddi plant yn rheolaidd; gwahardd ataliaeth, neilltuaeth a phresenoldeb ye heddlu mewn ysgolion;

(k) Gweithredu er mwyn lleihau straen ar fyfyrwyr a rhoi amgylchedd dysgu creadigol iddynt, yn cynnwys trwy ddod â mesurau profi a dewis academaidd i ben.

Original UN recommendation

Noting with concern inequalities in educational attainment and outcomes for children in disadvantaged situations, the Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Strengthen measures to address inequalities in educational attainment and improve educational outcomes for children in disadvantaged situations, including children in socioeconomically disadvantaged situations, children belonging to ethnic minority groups, asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children, children with disabilities and “young carers”, including by: (i) providing financial and other support for such children to finish school; (ii) developing guidelines for responding to cases of school absenteeism; and (iii) collecting and analysing data disaggregated by ethnic origin, educational outcomes and other relevant indicators on completion rates, educational outcomes and exclusions to inform policies and programmes;

(b) Ensure inclusive education in mainstream schools for all children with disabilities, including by adapting curricula and training and assigning specialized teachers and professionals in integrated classes, so that children with disabilities and learning difficulties receive individual support and due attention;

(c) Continue efforts to ensure that all children, particularly children in the Overseas Territories, have access to adequate and affordable early childhood education;

(d) Monitor the use of exclusions and ensure that they are prohibited in primary schools and used in secondary schools only as a measure of last resort; prohibit the use of informal exclusions and so-called “off-rolling” and provide for appropriate alternatives; and develop measures to address their overuse in general as well as their disproportionate use on children belonging to ethnic minority groups and children with disabilities;

(e) Ensure the right of children to appeal against their exclusions and provide them with legal advice and representation, where appropriate, in line with the Committee’s previous recommendations;

(f) Increase efforts to eliminate discrimination and bullying, including cyberbullying, on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics, disability, migration or other status in the school context, and ensure that such measures: (i) are adequately resourced and developed in consultation with children; (ii) address the root causes of bullying; and (iii) encompass prevention, early detection mechanisms, awareness-raising on its harmful effects, the empowerment of children, mandatory training for teachers, intervention protocols and consistent and robust recording and monitoring of bullying behaviour;

(g) Develop guidance, with the participation of civil society and children, for the inclusion of trans and gender-questioning children in schools in all constituent countries, and ensure that such guidance fully respects their rights, including their rights to identity and to privacy;

(h) Remove “colonising” and discriminatory language from textbooks and curricula and develop educative materials that foster respect for and appreciation of racial, cultural, gender and other diversities;

(i) Ensure the teaching of children’s rights and the principles of the Convention within the mandatory school curricula in all educational settings and in the training of teachers and education professionals;

(j) Explicitly prohibit the use of restraint and seclusion in educational settings and adopt a child rights-based approach to addressing violence or other disturbances in schools, including by prohibiting the presence of police in schools and providing regular training for teachers on relevant guidance for addressing such disturbances in a child-sensitive manner;

(k) End practices, including academic selection and testing measures, which contribute to the high levels of stress felt by students owing to academic pressure, and ensure that children benefit from a creative learning environment.


Date of UN examination


UN article number

28, 29, 30, 31

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15/10/2024