Casgliadau i gloi CRC 2023, paragraff 56
Argymhelliad Cymreig clir
Dylai’r Llywodraeth:
(a) Ystyried cael gwared ar y datganiad dehongli ar erthygl 1;
(b) Ystyried codi isafswm oed recriwtio gwirfoddol i’r lluoedd arfog i 18 oed;
(c) Gwahardd hysbysebu gwasanaeth milwrol i blant, yn enwedig mewn ysgolion ac wedi’i dargedu at blant ethnig leiafrifol a’r rheini o gefndiroedd economaidd-gymdeithasol difreintiedig;
(d) Sicrhau bod gwiriadau ar recriwtio gwirfoddol – er enghraifft, bod angen cydsyniad y ddau riant ar blant o deulu sydd wedi gwahanu;
(e) Sicrhau nad yw’r isafswm cyfnod o wasanaeth i blant yn y lluoedd arfog yn hirach nag ar gyfer oedolion, a bod ganddynt yr hawl i adael heb gyfnod rhybudd;
(f) Ymchwilio i unrhyw adroddiadau o gam-drin ac aflonyddu rhywiol a thrais arall yn erbyn plant yn y lluoedd arfog, a gweithredu yn erbyn y sawl sy’n gyfrifol;
(g) Cymryd camau i fynd i’r afael â phroblemau iechyd meddwl ymysg recriwtiaid sy’n blant, yn cynnwys y gyfradd hunanladdiad uchel ymysg recriwtiaid a ymunodd fel plant;
(h) Diogelu unrhyw un o dan 18 oed o dan y Cyhoeddiad Athrawiaeth ar y Cyd 1-10 ar gyfer Pobl wedi eu Cipio, yn cynnwys trwy ddod â’r diffiniad o blentyn yn unol â’r CRC;
(i) Gweithredu er mwyn adnabod plant sy’n ceisio lloches, yn ffoaduriaid neu’n fudwyr a allai fod wedi cael eu defnyddio mewn gwrthdaro arfog tramor, cyn gynted â phosibl wedi iddynt gyrraedd yn y DU;
(j) Gwahardd gwerthu arfau i wledydd lle mae’n wybyddus bod plant yn cael eu defnyddio mewn gwrthdaro arfog.
Original UN recommendation
Noting with concern reports of advertising of and marketing for military service aimed at children and the overrepresentation of socioeconomically disadvantaged children in the armed forces, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations and recommends that the State party:
(a) Consider withdrawing its interpretative declaration on article 1;
(b) Consider raising the minimum age of voluntary recruitment into the armed forces to 18 years;
(c) Prohibit all forms of advertising and marketing for military service targeted at children, in particular at schools and targeting children belonging to ethnic minority groups and socioeconomically disadvantaged children;
(d) Ensure that safeguards for voluntary recruitment are sufficient, including by ensuring that no child from a separated family is recruited with the consent of only one parent;
(e) Ensure that children currently enlisted in the armed forces do not serve a minimum period that is longer than those who enlisted as adults and that they have the right to leave the armed forces with no notice period;
(f) Promptly investigate any reports of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and other forms of violence against children in the armed forces, particularly during armed forces training, and ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted and sanctioned;
(g) Take measures to address the reported heavy mental health burden among child recruits, including incidence of suicide among infantry personnel who enlisted when they were under the age of 18;
(h) Ensure that all children under 18 years of age receive special protection under the Joint Doctrine Publication 1-10 for Captured Persons, including by amending the definition of the child in line with the Convention;
(i) Ensure the early and effective identification of all asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children who may have been recruited or used in armed conflicts abroad upon entering the State party;
(j) Prohibit the export of arms, including small arms and components for weapons systems, to countries where children are known to be recruited or used in hostilities.
Date of UN examination
Original UN document
Lawr lwytho casgliadau i gloi gwreiddiol 2023 y CRC ar wefan y CU.